Tamara I. Makarova, LLD, Full Professor.
Joined the Belarusian State University in 1985. She has been a lecturer at the Environmental and Agrarian law department to be become later an associate professor. Since 2009 she is a full professor at the department.
Her research interests are in the field of environmental rights of individuals, international environmental law.
She lectures in Environmental Law International Environmental Law.
She graduated from the Law Faculty, Belarusian State University in 1981,
took a post-graduate course at Belarusian State University in 1991. In 1992, she defended her PhD thesis “Accession of Belarus to Russia in the 18th century: public and legal aspects” in BSU. In 2008, Dr. Makarova was awarded the degree of doctor of laws (LLD) after a successful defense of her thesis on “Theoretical Issues of the Legal Status of Individuals in Environmental Relations” at the National Center for Law and Legal Studies.
Chair of Ecopravo public organization, board member of the BSU Union of Women, member of the Academic Council on Dissertation Defense (specialization D 07.02.01) at the National Center for Law and Legal Studies, environmental law expert at UNDP.
The total number of publications is more than ___, including a monograph, commentaries to the legislation, course books, articles in journals, collections of scientific articles, in conference proceedings.
Selected publications:
• Legal environmental status of the citizens of Republic of Belarus // Мinsk : BSU, 2004. — 231 p.
The research is aimed at developing theoretical foundations of a person’s legal environmental status on the basis of revealing laws of legal regulation of environmental relations, grounding practical recommendations on perfection of legal provisions of physical persons’ legal status in environmental relations. As a result of the investigation made the author's legal environmental concept has been introduced, which systematized and developed theoretical bases of environmental relations legal regulation. Theoretical grounding of the concept of a citizen’ environmental legal status as a legal institution and a systematic category of the environmental law is given. Forms of access to justice on the questions concerning environment in conformity with the provisions of Aarchus convention are grounded, as well as legal forms of natural resources use by physical persons. The author's approach to the system of the environmental legislation is suggested on the basis of the developed criteria, the programme law being regarded as the head normative act for the Republic of Belarus legislation.
• Commentary to the Law of the Republic of Belarus «On Protection of Environment» / T.Makarova, V.Laevskaya, V.Lizgaro – Minsk, 2005. – 272 p.
The law of the Republic of Belarus «On Protection of Environment», article by article, is examined and its provisions are interpreted in the publication. A fairly comprehensive review of the existing environmental legislation is given in the book.
• Environmental Law: Coursebook / S.Balashenko, T.Makarova, V.Laevskaya, V.Lizgaro, N.Shynhel, I.Shakhray; edited by T.Makarova, V.Lizgaro. – Minsk, 2008. – 495 p.
The course of Environmental law as an academic discipline is thoroughly given in the book. The latest trends of development of environmental legislation such as protection of the ozone layer and climate, genetic engineering safety and etc. are reflected in the textbook. The book focuses on such mechanisms of environmental protection as rationing, expertise, audit, certification, control, monitoring in the sphere of environmental protection and others.
• Legal Support for Sustainable Development / T. Makarava, V. Lizgara, N. Shynhel, N. Hubskaya, A. Maroz, V. Saskevich // Vesnik of Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Series 4. Jurisprudence. – 2011. – № 1. – С.58-75.
The article is devoted to the legal foundations of sustainable development in the legal system of the Republic of Belarus. The analytical review of international tools that establish the principles of sustainable development is given. The most important sources of securing public policy of the Republic of Belarus and regulations to reflect these principles in them are examined. The development in the Belarusian legislation of the two main areas of environmental support economic and other activities is revealed. Various aspects of legal support for sustainable development, such as the social sphere, protection and land use trends in the legal regulation of land relations, public participation in environmental decision-making and protection of natural ecological systems, biological and landscape diversity are considered. An opinion on improving legislation is expressed.
• Review of Dnipro Basin Biodiversity Legislation Ensuring Public Participation and Support / S.Balashenko, T.Makarova, V.Laevskaya, V.Lizgaro [and others] // Water quality research journal of Canada. Monograph Series. 2005. No.6. P.68-82.