Irina V. Popova, PhD
Born in Minsk in 1953. In 1976 graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics of the Belarusian State University, worked at the Research Institute of electronic computers. From 1994 to 2009 was engaged in public service.
In 1999 she defended thesis on the topic “Computer program in the system of the copyright objects” and was awarded PhD (Candidate of Sciences) in Law. In the same year joined the Law Faculty of the BSU, Civil Law Department as a lecturer. Currently I. Popova is an associate professor of the Civil Law Department. She teaches courses: Civil Law (Part II), Housing Law, Fundamentals of intellectual property management.
Took part in drafting laws: “On the patents for the inventions, utility models, industrial designs”, “On geographical indications”, “On advertising”, “On the estimation of conformity of legal certificates with requirements of technical rationing and standardization” and some others. Irina Popova was a member of the working group for the development of the Draft Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus. In 2006 she took a course of distant training “Fundamentals of intellectual property” at the World Academy WIPO.
Member of Scientific and advisory council at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus.
I. Popova is the author of more than 30 scientific papers devoted, mainly, to the problems of intellectual property rights for the legal protection of works of science, literature, art.
Recent and the most notable publications:
1. Creative character of products in the theory of the copyright and court practice in the Republic of Belarus (in the collection of papers “Jurisprudence and education”. Volume 4. Ekaterinburg, 2011).
2. Criterion of creativity of the concept of works of science, literature and art (Industrial and Trade Law. 2011. № 2).
3. In Reference to Changes and Additions to the Draft Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the law changes and additions to the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On the copyright and the related rights” (Sudovy Vesnik. 2011. № 1).
4. On the form priority in concept of work of science, literature and art” (in the collection of papers “Legal maintenance of innovative development of economy of the Republic of Belarus”, Minsk, 2010).
5. “Intellectual property” (in 2 volumes). Volume 1. The copyright and related rights.
The collection consists of the comments upon the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on the copyright, related rights, legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and the major international acts dealing with the copyright and related rights.