The Department of Intellectual Property Law

The Department of Intellectual Property Law as an independent scientific and pedagogical unit of the Belarusian State University was created by the Rector's Order No. 381-OD dated July 13, 2021. The Department is headed by Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Svadkovskaya Elena Alexandrovna.

The Department is the first specialized structural unit in the Republic of Belarus of an educational institution that provides for the implementation of educational, scientific activities and also training and methodical work in the field of intellectual property law.

The "Basics of Intellectual Property Management" discipline is taught at the Intellectual Property Law department for students majoring in the specialty "Jurisprudence", “Economic Law”, and “Political Science”.

Master's students take courses on:

“Copyright and Related Rights”,

“Industrial Property Law”,

“Transfer of Intellectual Property Rights”,

“Civil-Law Methods of Protecting Intellectual Property Rights”,

“Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution”.

The Department provides courses on "Basics of Intellectual Property Management" for students from biological, historical, mechanical-mathematical faculties, faculties of geography and geoinformatics, journalism, philosophy and social sciences, sociocultural communications, philology, and chemistry.

Training workload for academic subjects at the department is carried out by the candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Svadkovskaya Elena Alexandrovna, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Ivanova Diana Vladimirovna, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Lando Darya Dmitrievna, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Sidorchuk Valeriy Kirillovich, candidate of legal sciences Yadrevskiy Oleg Olegovich, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Ermakovich Sergey Leonidovich, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Urzhinskiy Konstantin Konstantinovich, candidate of legal sciences Kadurin Aleksey Yurevich, and senior lecturers Zayats Alexander Pavlovich, Tybits Irina Stanislavovna, Nikiforova Olga Vasilievna, and trainee teachers Nadolskaya Anastasia Igorevna, Shevando Andrey Igorevich.

Special attention is paid at the department to preparing scientific and academic literature in the field of intellectual property law: development of educational programs for courses taught at the department, conducting work on educational materials.

The employees of the Intellectual Property Law Department successfully incorporate innovative learning methods and information and communication technologies in the educational process, including creating, placing and updating course content on the BGU educational portal, together with utilizing other electronic learning tools.

The employees of the Intellectual Property Law Department conduct scientific research. The results of scientific activities are published in various scientific publications, including monographs.

The department's professors actively work on improving legislation in the field of copyright and related rights, industrial property rights, and closely collaborate with the National Intellectual Property Center, the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, the National Center for Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus. D.V. Ivanova, D.D. Lando, and E.A. Svadkovskaya were members of working groups for the development and amendment of normative legal acts, including the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Copyright and Related Rights" and an Intellectual Property Policy for higher education research organizations of the Republic of Belarus.

Within the framework of international cooperation, faculty members of the department deliver lectures at foreign universities, review works of foreign colleagues, are invited as experts by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), participate in international forums, conferences, and seminars, and are members of foreign organizations specializing in intellectual property such as the Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI), the International Trademark Association (INTA), and the Licensing Executives Society (LES).