Elena Semashko
Personal information
- Date of birth:
Academy of Public Administration under the ages of the President of the Republic of Belarus, 1996.
1996-2016 - Lecturer, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Academy of Public Administration under the ages of the President of the Republic of Belarus
2016-2019 - Deputy - Head of the Department of Research in the Field of State Construction and International Law of the Institute of Legal Research of the National Center for Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus
2019 - as of present - Deputy Director - Head of the Institute of Legal Studies of the National Center for Legislation and Legal Studies of the Republic of Belarus
Information on the defense of dissertations:
In 2003, she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of legal sciences on the topic: "The legal nature of regulatory acts of state bodies of the Republic of Belarus."
Awards, titles, when and by whom awarded:
The academic title "Associate Professor" was awarded to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus in 2007.
She was awarded the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the Certificate of Honor of the National Center for Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus
Advanced training, courses, internships, second education:
In 2007, she completed an internship in the international training program "Development of leadership skills of managers" of the Ministry of External Affairs of India (Noida). In 2014 - an internship in the Electronic Government program at the Institute for Human Resources Development (Republic of Korea).
Research interests:
legal support of public administration, state construction.
- Administrative law
- Monographs
Administrative and legal support for improving the efficiency of public administration: monograph/G.A. Vasilevich; E.V. Semashko [et al.]; Nats. Center for Legislation and Legal Issues. Rep. Belarus; under the general editor G.A. Vasilevich, S.V. Agievets. - Minsk: Colorgrad, 2021. - 400 p. (1.2 Validity and peculiarities of the constitutional control model in the Republic of Belarus)
Semashko, E.V. Prevention of administrative offenses as a way to prevent them: meaningful and definitive analysis/E.V. Semashko//Law in modern Belarusian society: sat. scientific. tr. No. 15/Nats. Center for Law and Legal Research Rep. Belarus; Ed.: N.A. Karpovich (Ch. Ed.) [et al.]. - Minsk: Colorgrad, 2020 - C.281 - 288.
Semashko, E.V. Constitutional control in the system of means of protection of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus/Dynamics of legal establishment and legal implementation in the field of public law relations: collection of scientific articles/National Center for Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus; Ed.: O.I. Chupris (Ch. Ed.) [et al.]. - Minsk: IVC of the Ministry of Finance, 2020. - No. 2. - 400 p. - p. 54-67.
Semashko, E.V. Mass media in the structure of information legal relations/E.V. Semashko//Law in modern Belarusian society: a collection of scientific works: issue 16/Nats. Center for Law and Legal Research Rep. Belarus; Ed.: N.A. Karpovich (Ch. Ed.) [et al.]. - Minsk: Colorgrad, 2021 - C.291 - 298.
Semashko, E.V. Genesis of methodological grounds for interaction between a citizen and the state/E.V. Semashko//Dynamics of legal establishment and legal implementation in the field of public law relations: collection of scientific articles/National Center for Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus; Ed.: O.I. Chupris (Ch. Ed.) [et al.] - Minsk, 2021.
Semashko, E.V. Forecasting the consequences of the adoption of regulatory legal acts as an instrument of the legal policy of the state/E.V. Semashko//Problems of strengthening law and order: science, practice, trends: sat. scientific. tr., special thematic edition/GU "Scientific-practical. Center for the Strengthening of Law and Order Gener. Prosecutor's Office Rep. Belarus "; ed.: V.V. Marchuk (ch. Ed.) [et al.]. - Minsk: Ed. BSU Center, 2021. - No. 14. - 413 p. - S. 344-350.
Articles in foreign scientific publications
Semashko, E.V., Shishikin, A.A. Appeal as a form of direct participation of citizens in the implementation of local self-government in the Republic of Belarus/E.V. Semashko, A.A. Shishikin// ҚҰҚYҚ zhәne MEMLEKET/LAW AND STATE/LAW and STATE. - № 4 (93), 2021. - S. 39 - 53.
Educational and methodical editions
Actual problems of constitutional law: manual/E.V. Semashko (chapters two, three) [and others]; Acad. upr. Under President Rep. Belarus, 2019. - 288 s.
Gender and law: textbook/E.G. Abramenko, E.V. Semashko [and others]; ed. T.V. Telyatitskaya. - Minsk: UNIPAK, 2020. - 340 p. (Universal international legal standards in the field of gender equality, pp. 92-109.
Information law: textbook/M.S. Ablameiko, E.V. Semashko [and others]; under the general editor G.A. Vasilevich and M.S. Ablameyko. - Minsk: Adukatsy i exhavannya, 2021 - 424 c.
Manual on preparation for passing the qualification exam for persons entering the civil service for the first time/[ A.V. Ivanovsky, E.V. Semashko and others; under the general editorship of M. G. Zhilinsky]. - Minsk: National Center for Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus, 2015. - 416 c
Anti-corruption = Combating Corruption: a textbook/N. A. Babiy, E.V. Semashko [ et al.]; under the general editorship of A.V. Konyuk; Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, Scientific and Practical Center for the Problems of Strengthening Law and Order of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk: Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2016. – 500.
Judicial system: a textbook for students of higher education institutions with a degree in Public Administration and Law/A. V. Koniuk, E. V. Semashko, M. A. Semenikhin; under the general editorship of A.V. Konyuk; Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus. - Minsk: Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, 2018. - 315 c.
Conference proceedings and abstracts
Semashko, E.V. Improving the legislation of the Union State in the field of postgraduate education/E.V. Semashko//Union State: achievements, problems, prospects. Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty on the Creation of the Union State (December 10, 2019, Moscow). Collection of materials. - M., 2020. - 636 p., silt. - p. 413-417.
Semashko, E.V. Ethical norms of behavior of civil servants: practices of legal regulation/E.V. Semashko. - Legal policy, science, practice: materials of the Rep. scientific-practical. conf., Minsk, October 14, 2021 )/Nats. Center for Legislation and Legal Issues. Rep. Belarus; Ed.: E.V. Semashko [et al.]. - Minsk: Colorgrad, 2021. - 360 p. - S. 80-84.
Semashko, E.V. Digital interaction of the individual, society and the state/E.V. Semashko//Transformation of public administration and local self-government in the context of the development of the information society [Electronic resource]: electron. Sat. Art. International. roundtable, Novopolotsk, April 16, 2021/Polots. gos. un-t; Ed.: I.V. Shakhnovskaya, P.V. Soloviev. - Novopolotsk: Polots. Gos. un-t, 2021. - 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-R) .ISBN 978-985-531-782-2. - S. 30 - 31.
Semashko, E.V., Shumak, A.V. Official interpretation (written explanations) of regulatory legal acts: experience of the Republic of Belarus/E.V. Semashko, A.V. Shumak//Actual problems of official clarification (interpretation) of laws: materials of the international round table - Nur-Sultan: Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2021. - 79 p. (p. 28-36).
Semashko, E.V. Factors and Trends in the Evolution of Interaction between the State and the Citizen/E.V. Semashko//Modern Problems of Legal Science and Practice in the Context of Globalization of Public Relations: St. Petersburg/Yanka Kupala State University; Ed.: S.E. Cheburanova (Ch. Ed.) [et al.]. - Grodno: GRSU, 2022. - 352 p. - P. 44-53.