Mamekin Mikhail
Master of Political Sciences
2015-2019 Belarusian State University, Bachelor's Degree in Political Science.
2019-2020 Belarusian State University, Master’s Degree in Political Science.
Since 2022 - Graduate Student of Belarusian State University, specialty 23.00.01 - Theory and Philosophy of Politics, History and Methodology of Political Science.
Since September 2020 is a lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law at Belarusian State University.Since September 2022 is a senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law at Belarusian State University.
Scientific interests:political parties and party systems, interest groups in politics, political ideologies, public policy and public administration, theory of the political decision-making process.
Teaching Courses:
Political parties and interest groups
Theory of political decision-making
Political science
The author of over 10 publications on political science.Main publications:
Tel: +375 (17) 209-55-72
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