Dina Belyavtseva (Dzina Bialiautsava)
Dina Belyavtseva is a Candidate of Political Sciences and holds the position of an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science.
She graduated from the History Faculty, BelarusianStateUniversity and took a post-graduate course in the Republican Institute of Higher School (RIHS).
Since 2002 she has worked at the Belarusian State Economic University and co-working at the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law at the BSU.In 2019, she came to work at BSU.
She has the second higher education, did a number of research trips to foreign countries, thelatestonewasinIndia.
Her main teaching and research interests focus on questions ofmethodology of political science, regional political investigations, the forming of the political identity and political consciousness of the modern Belarusian society.
Dina Belyavzeva has over 100publications, the latest are “Regional political development: basic models and theoretical and methodological approaches to analysis” (2018),“Regional integration processes in Eurasia: theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis” (2019), “Evolution of relations between the center and regions in unitary States” (2021), Mechanisms for maintaining the balance of relations between the center and the regions in the Russian Federation (2022).
Regional political development: basic models and theoretical and methodological approaches to analysis.The article analyzes the scientific directions, theories and concepts, within the framework of which the processes of regional political development were studied. . The main part defines the concept of "regional political development" and analyzes the evolution of scientific schools studying the development of regions. It is established that the study of regional political development presupposes not only the identification of changes in the structure of the regional political system, but also the direction of development. The direction of regional political development is determined by the specifics of the region, the challenges of the external environment and the tasks facing the region. They dictate a model for analyzing regional political development. The models "center-regions", political modernization, communication and integration to the analysis of regional development processes are singled out. In conclusion, conclusions are made about the theoretical and methodological features of the use of models.
Regional integration processes in Eurasia: theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis. The article is devoted to the development of theoretical approaches to the analysis of regional political processes in the Eurasian space. The author analyzes the research practices in the interpretation of regional development and concludes that in the twenty-first century. The main attention is focused on the study of the formation of horizontal relations and communications between the territories belonging to different states and forming regional integration. Regional integration is diverse, represented by different types and alter the configuration of political borders in the world and Eurasian space. Among theoretical approaches to the analysis of regional integration processes, actualizing regional interest and regional identity have the greatest potential.
Evolution of relations between the center and regions in unitary States.The article is devoted to the allocation of modern directions and forms of development of relations between the central and regional authorities in a unitary state. The main approaches to the study of the problem, formulated in the theory of federalism, the concepts of multilevel governance, regionalism and state-building are analyzed. The forms of redistribution of administrative powers between the center and regions in European countries are revealed. The factors influencing the choice of the form are determined. The conclusion is made about the possibility of their application in the Republic of Belarus.Mechanisms for maintaining the balance of relations between the center and the regions in the Russian Federation.
Mechanisms for maintaining the balance of relations between the center and the regions in the Russian Federation.The article highlights the main elements of the mechanism for maintaining the balance of interests of the center and the regions in a federal state (regulatory and political), their characteristics are given. The political aspects of the relationship between the authorities of various levels are investigated through the analysis of the implementation of central and regional interests on the example of the Smolensk region. The nature and nature of central and regional interests as an instrument of political relations is determined. The main parameters of the region's potential are highlighted (resources and capabilities of regional elites, features of the political space of the region, its geopolitical and socio-economic situation), models for maintaining the center–region balance. The forms of interaction between the center and the Smolensk region are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn about the absence at the present stage of a variety of forms of cooperation at the elite level and the dominance of regulatory and legal elements of the mechanism for maintaining a balance of interests of the center and the